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  • 鲸探
  • 2024-07-29 10:41:18
  • 0

大海中,有一种生物,叫鲸探(Whale watching.html">Watching)。它是一种观赏鲸鱼活动,通常是在船上或潜水艇上进行。作为一名自由摄影师,我曾经有机会参与过一次鲸探,结果让我捉迷藏了。


突然,船长叫了出来:「看!我们 finally found one!」我和其他乘客一起跑到舷外去观赏。结果,我们见到了一个庞大的鲸鱼,它的身材超过20米,身体呈现出柔和的曲线。我感到我的眼睛睁大了一样,我整个人体验都被淹没在这个伟大的瞬间。

我们spent the next few hours observing the whale, taking photos and videos. It was an incredible experience, and I felt like I was in a different world. The whale''s massive size and gentle movements were truly awe-inspiring.

After the encounter, we headed back to shore, exhausted but exhilarated by the experience. As a free-lance photographer, this adventure had given me some amazing material for my portfolio. And as for me, it had rekindled my passion for exploring the unknown and capturing its beauty through photography.
