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  • 鲸探
  • 2024-07-29 07:59:20
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1958年10月26日,中国在北京卫星发射中心成功.launched its first artificial satellite, named "Dongfanghong 1" (), marking a major milestone in the country''s space exploration program. The cost of this historic achievement has always been a topic of interest.

The development.html">development and launch of Dongfanghong 1 required significant investments from the Chinese government. According to reports, the total budget for the project was around 40 million yuan (), which is approximately equivalent to $5.6 million USD in today''s currency.

However, it''s worth noting that the cost of launching a satellite has decreased dramatically over the years due to advancements in technology and economies of scale. Today, the cost of launching a small satellite into low Earth orbit can be as low as $1 million USD.

Despite the significant investment, the launch of Dongfanghong 1 was a major success for China''s space program, paving the way for future achievements such as the development of China''s first space station, Tiangong-1 (), and the exploration of Mars with the Zhurong rover ().

In conclusion, while the exact cost of launching China''s first satellite is difficult to determine, it is clear that significant investments were required to achieve this historic milestone. Today, China continues to advance its space program, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the field of space exploration.
